
martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Divine Teacher

Columbia University in the City of New York

Divine Teacher

The way that leads to the glorification, that is to say, the long process that transforms the spiritual children of God into possessors of its eternal inheritance is initiated in the celestial home under the influence and direction of our parents ether to us, that is to say perfect father and mother, whose work and glory are to us other than the one to carry out the immortality and eternal life of each of its children, to see Moiss 1, versicle 39, as those who in the Earth, as their earthly parents, aspire to that their children can reach the majors development levels and, of being possible, reaching levels superiors to the conquered ones by its ancestors. It is in which we called the preexistence where our life begins and has been there where we have taken ours first decisions, some of which have been of tremendous relevance for our eternal progress Hago a stop in the way later to continue, looking for a little here, another little beyond, arming puzzle without form that everything can include. The truth is not a land that can be wire fenced, the eyes watch without seeing, the ears hear without listening, cannot be owned, do not have property title, like the air, is inhaled and exhala, vivifies, its essence on the inside is the freedom and there is no freedom without diversity, the diversity is the one that unites, as the hand of the Divine Teacher unites the sounds of each instrument, turning into sublime symphony the work to us of its creations, outside that queen the chaos, the raw material without organizing that it is put in our hands so that we pruned to play to create. Hugo W. Arostegui Original author and source of the article.

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Respuesta a Comentarios sobre Artículos Publicados

Preguntas recogidas en estos últimos días

Respuesta I:

En el artículo: "Un Recurso Que No puedes Ignorar El Entusiasmo: al que tu haz agregado un comentario, habrás apreciado, que comenzamos el mismo con una referencia al significado de la palabra "entusiasmo" en un intento de rescatar el valor original de la palabra escrita.

Pues bien, entusiasmo significa llevar un dios adentro, de manera que visto desde esa perspectiva, coincidimos con lo expresado por Pablo en su primera epístola  a los corintios:
"¿No sabéis que vuestro cuerpo es templo del Espíritu Santo, que está en vosotros, que tenéis de Dios, y que no sois vuestros?" (1 Corintios. 6:19).

Esto  quiere decir, que  aquel que pretenda ser el receptor de tal distinguido huésped, previamente  deberá haber ordenado y preparado el habitáculo de su mente, para que ésta se encuentre en condiciones de ofrecerle una cálida y confortable acogida.

Todo anfitrión, que se precie, se regocija en su hospitalidad, se deleita ante lo que vislumbra como una gracia divina, la posibilidad de un encuentro con un ser superior, con el que pueda compartir todos sus anhelos y  esperanzas.

El entusiasmo es en sí mismo, una fuente inagotable de energía, porque el ambiente en que se expresa y manifiesta, tiene la armonía del equilibrio, donde nadie es más, ni tampoco menos, donde no hay exigencias ni exigidos, el entusiasmo tiene luz en sí mismo y donde  ingresa la luz no hay espacio para las tinieblas, el entusiasmo no es un bichito esquivo, como tu mencionas, al cual hay que salir a atrapar, tampoco es una "plancha de Surf"  en la que te debates en medio de las olas, el entusiasmo ingresa como los rayos del sol, sólo necesita que abras confiado, de par en par, las ventanas de tu alma.

Respuesta II:

Sobre el comentario referido al tema "Reflexiones De Carnaval"  que tú me has formulado con mucha agudeza, me agradaría muchísimo poder mencionarte algunas observaciones a tu planteo, observaciones que humildemente pongo a tu criteriosa consideración:

Cuando tú me mencionas que según tu parecer, experimentar no es rumiar, pues consideras que el  proceso de analizar consecuencias de un acontecimiento dado, debe corresponder a otra etapa, y que la misma, forzosamente, deberá ser posterior al experimento en sí mismo,
te pregunto: cuando nos relacionamos con otras personas, ¿no necesitamos recurrir a nuestras vivencias pasadas? ¿el cúmulo de estas vivencias no son las que nos convierten en personas con experiencia de vida?

Ahora bien, veamos, un acontecimiento cualquiera se torna experiencia cuando es sometido al proceso de comparación con otros que hayamos tenido, uno puede morir de un tiro certero, pero si no vive el proceso no se puede considerar experimentado en la muerte.

Experimentar es forzosamente comparar, de manera, amigo/a , que te refugias en el anonimato, te sugiero que comiences " a rumiar" cuánto antes tus experiencias de vida, la criatura humana no debe comportarse cual si fuese una pelota de ping -pong.

En cuánto a la festividad de carnaval en sí, tienes tu mucha razón, he vivido la rica experiencia de llevar muchas veces a mis hijos, a mis sobrinos, y ahora a mis nietos, al carnaval, poseo el humor suficiente para disfrutar con ellos de esa sana alegría, también es bueno reconocer la riqueza creativa de esa expresión cultural que tanto nos gusta a los uruguayos.

Pero, sabes que, mis hijos, mis sobrinos, han crecido, mis nietos lo harán más adelante, nosotros los adultos, cumplimos con lo que se ha transformado en una tradición y revivimos en ellos los tiempos pasados, cuando la inocencia nos hacía ver hadas y magos, payasos y arlequines detrás de cada cara pintada.

Pero mi amigo/a anónimo, ¿cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde que los niños se fueron a dormir y te has dejado llevar por la ronda de fantasmas, de miedos y miserias que acechan y golpean tu vida cada día?

La reflexión de carnaval publicada, se refería a los niños que ya no son, a los adultos que quizás sean sus padres o sus abuelos, una querida amiga me había contado unos días atrás, que su nieta estaba embarazada, una jovencita, sobrina mía, me comento que ella, con apenas 16 años, estaba embarazada, leo los periódicos y veo los efectos del alcohol y las drogas, he ido a bailar, a divertirme, y en esa algarabía pude apreciar la transformación en los rostros de los evadidos, jóvenes y adultos, que una vez, bajada la cuesta, cuando termina la fiesta, lloran en silencio sumidos en la depresión.

Escribir, tal como yo lo hago, créame, que cuando termino un tema, difícilmente revise y corrija errores ortográficos o de redacción, simplemente tiro mis pinceladas expresivas sobre el teclado, lo que sí puedo asegurarle es la autenticidad de mis expresiones, la sana intención de establecer un contacto, de compartir inquietudes, lejos de mi cualquier pretensión de condicionar su pensamiento.

Un abrazo
Hugo W Arostegui

Respuesta I:

En el artículo: “Un Recurso Que No puedes Ignorar El Entusiasmo: al que tu haz agregado un comentario, habrás apreciado, que comenzamos el mismo con una referencia al significado de la palabra "entusiasmo" en un intento de rescatar el valor original de la palabra escrita.

 Pues bien, entusiasmo significa llevar un dios adentro, de manera que visto desde esa perspectiva, coincidimos con lo expresado por Pablo en su primera epístola  a los corintios:

"¿No sabéis que vuestro cuerpo es templo del Espíritu Santo, que está en vosotros, que tenéis de Dios, y que no sois vuestros?" (1 Corintios. 6:19).

Esto  quiere decir, que  aquel que pretenda ser el receptor de tal distinguido huésped, previamente  deberá haber ordenado y preparado el habitáculo de su mente, para que  ésta se encuentre en condiciones de ofrecerle una cálida y confortable acogida.

Todo anfitrión, que se precie, se regocija en su hospitalidad, se deleita ante lo que vislumbra como una gracia divina, la posibilidad de un encuentro con un ser superior, con el que pueda compartir todos sus anhelos y  esperanzas.

El entusiasmo es en sí mismo, una fuente inagotable de energía, porque el ambiente en que se expresa y manifiesta, tiene la armonía del equilibrio, donde nadie es más, ni tampoco menos, donde no hay exigencias ni exigidos, el entusiasmo tiene luz en sí mismo y donde  ingresa la luz no hay espacio para las tinieblas, el entusiasmo no es un bichito esquivo, como tu mencionas, al cual hay que salir a atrapar, tampoco es una “plancha de Surf”  en la que te debates en medio de las olas, el entusiasmo ingresa como los rayos del sol, sólo necesita que abras confiado, de par en par, las ventanas de tu alma.

Respuesta II:

Sobre el comentario referido al tema "Reflexiones De Carnaval"  que tú me has formulado con mucha agudeza, me agradaría muchísimo poder mencionarte algunas observaciones a tu planteo, observaciones que humildemente pongo a tu criteriosa consideración:

Cuando tú me mencionas que según tu parecer, experimentar no es rumiar, pues consideras que el  proceso de analizar consecuencias de un acontecimiento dado, debe corresponder a otra etapa, y que la misma, forzosamente, deberá ser posterior al experimento en sí mismo,
te pregunto: cuando nos relacionamos con otras personas, ¿no necesitamos recurrir a nuestras vivencias pasadas? ¿el cúmulo de estas vivencias no son las que nos convierten en personas con experiencia de vida?

Ahora bien, veamos, un acontecimiento cualquiera se torna experiencia cuando es sometido al proceso de comparación con otros que hayamos tenido, uno puede morir de un tiro certero, pero si no vive el proceso no se puede considerar experimentado en la muerte.

Experimentar es forzosamente comparar, de manera, amigo/a , que te refugias en el anonimato, te sugiero que comiences " a rumiar" cuánto antes tus experiencias de vida, la criatura humana no debe comportarse cual si fuese una pelota de ping -pong.

En cuánto a la festividad de carnaval en sí, tienes tu mucha razón, he vivido la rica experiencia de llevar muchas veces a mis hijos, a mis sobrinos, y ahora a mis nietos, al carnaval, poseo el humor suficiente para disfrutar con ellos de esa sana alegría, también es bueno reconocer la riqueza creativa de esa expresión cultural que tanto nos gusta a los uruguayos.

Pero, sabes que, mis hijos, mis sobrinos, han crecido, mis nietos lo harán más adelante, nosotros los adultos, cumplimos con lo que se ha transformado en una tradición y revivimos en ellos los tiempos pasados, cuando la inocencia nos hacía ver hadas y magos, payasos y arlequines detrás de cada cara pintada.

Pero mi amigo/a anónimo, ¿cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde que los niños se fueron a dormir y te has dejado llevar por la ronda de fantasmas, de miedos y miserias que acechan y golpean tu vida cada día?

La reflexión de carnaval publicada, se refería a los niños que ya no son, a los adultos que quizás sean sus padres o sus abuelos, una querida amiga me había contado unos días atrás, que su nieta estaba embarazada, una jovencita, sobrina mía, me comento que ella, con apenas 16 años, estaba embarazada, leo los periódicos y veo los efectos del alcohol y las drogas, he ido a bailar, a divertirme, y en esa algarabía pude apreciar la transformación en los rostros de los evadidos, jóvenes y adultos, que una vez, bajada la cuesta, cuando termina la fiesta, lloran en silencio sumidos en la depresión.

Escribir, tal como yo lo hago, créame, que cuando termino un tema, difícilmente revise y corrija errores ortográficos o de redacción, simplemente tiro mis pinceladas expresivas sobre el teclado, lo que sí puedo asegurarle es la autenticidad de mis expresiones, la sana intención de establecer un contacto, de compartir inquietudes, lejos de mi cualquier pretensión de condicionar su pensamiento.

Un abrazo

Hugo W Arostegui

Eternal God

And go wandering due to lack of Shepherd, and are prey to all the beasts of the field, and they have dispersed. Wells Fargo may find this interesting as well. They walked lost my sheep in the mountains and on every high Hill; in the face of the Earth were scattered my sheep, and there was no who looked for them, or who ask for them. Therefore, shepherds, hear ye the word of the Lord. Ezekiel 34: 1 7 than boldness, this man, perhaps have not attended our satellite transmissions?, you do not you read beautiful manuals, magazines, videos? not it has sat in plush chairs, has not appreciated the expensive curtains purchased by the brothers who work in the offices? Surely talk as well, by that time ago that not attending a meeting of testimonials, nor have you heard our goals for the Millennium, is undoubtedly a man of little faith that must be severely cautioned, for his good, clear. Official site: JPMorgan Chase. And after that all of the people gave thanks in this way, they were returning to their homes, without returning to speak of their God until they again gathered around the holy stand to offer thanks according to his way. Alma 31: 23 if you are transiting the footprints, one after another, please, stop, don’t follow, better will be to look at your around and decide. You get away from the ground and begin to feel the pure air that comes from the summits, is an air that can stun and confuse the senses, effects of the height they say.
This meal is not a food that you eat pecking the ground, it is not a balanced ration and enriched in lab, if you want to eat, you will have to catch yourself with your own claws dam, observing their movements from the height. Hear what was said once: what, therefore I will do similar or me comparareis? says the Holy. Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who created these things; He takes and has his army; all called by their names; No Miss; such is the greatness of his strength, and the power of your domain. By what you say, o Jacob, and Israel you speak: my way is hidden from Jehovah, and my Dios spent my trial? You have not known, have you not heard that the Eternal God is Jehovah, which created the ends of the Earth? Faileth not, nor fatigue with fatigue, and his understanding no who reaches it. He gives effort to the tired, and multiplies the forces of which has no. The boys will toil and become tired, young people falter and fall; but those who await Lord will have new forces; be lifted wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary; They shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40: 25 31. I encourage you, as it is said at the beginning: is like a fingerprint, indicating that there, if you know to look for, there is a path, in the middle of nowhere and through it, a scenario of events that are exposed to be observed and evaluated according to the own sense of who is invited to walk them. Hugo W. Arostegui original Autor and source of the article.

The Enigma of Existence

Interestingly, the power to observe the different reactions that can generate the same event in the responsiveness of the people involved.

The life that determines our relationship we build with others, their experiences, ie, the cumulative situations which have been actors, either on a voluntary basis - when we were authors or coauthors of the same - or unintentionally - when events generated by another involving either us for our good or bear the consequences.

What we call our life, even though we live closely with people who understand our environment, which are part of the social fabric of our everyday relationships, can not be seen as the consequence of a behavior pattern, shaped by common circumstances supposedly we have been forced to accept either submission or voluntary subjection.

When we realize that our existence is related in the course of events the existence of other beings, other "I am", forming a constellation of entities that are not always single person to master the course of their orbits, collisions against each the other, when the effect of this meeting is harmonic, we say that has caused the detachment of some mysterious substance that we have captured some "chemistry" that draws us towards each other.

These attractions, they can stay for long periods, even a lifetime.

When this event occurs in adverse circumstances, conflicting, immediately activate our defense mechanisms, we put on guard, suspicious, aggressive and / or fearful, trying to justify such action, arguing that such person has a very "bad thing".

Such moments of perception of our human condition, which, as we have stated many times, is essentially social, and, by this circumstance, extremely permeable to the events that unfold, uninterrupted, in this great scene where it shows the drama of everyday life, in which all, we interpret our own paper following a script cobbled together by shared circumstances.

Perhaps, in situations like those described, we wonder, for the reasons, if any, that belong to a species, we are told, is the only on the face of this planet who is aware that it is words, we are doomed to know of our existence, from its beginning to its inevitable end, the certainty of constant birth and death stalking, are central elements of human drama.

The questions we ask, require an answer, and this, the response we seek diligently, very rarely emerges from our inner law, most likely in an effort to satisfy the anxiety overwhelms us as to the reasons our present condition in life, from which arise the attributes of our species, and especially where we're headed, let us turn to the search for the different positions on this important issue we exhibited by those who proclaim themselves as guides, counselors licensed, possessing mystical and unique key that can open the doors of infinity.

The market aims to give enlightened knowledge that an answer to our questions, is crammed full of offers, if we could climb it, as to who travels a fair, we would hear their merchants loudly chanting the advantages of their statements, calling our attention through the aggressiveness of their pious arguments.

In every corner of this imaginary show will tell us that specific place, and none of the other places that surrounds them, is the one with the only true knowledge, which is to them and only them, who have been conferred power lead to salvation, to meet the lost paradise.

When walking through this world, the world called the "isms" we will see that the mere fact of being alive, makes us a valuable commodity, a dam desirable to make offerings to their gods, be they gods, canonized, idealized, or wander lost in the paths of nihilism.

Find there, capitalism, fascism, communism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, existentialism, materialism, atheism, etc. and so on. all with their dogma properly structured, iron, unmoved, planted with all his hosts in the field of battle, in order to fight to the end against all others, because, to the Isthmus, the others are in error, lost in ignorance and should be destroyed, humiliated, to thereby accept "our truth" the one, true.

It seems that to ensure the future, we must be protected by the armor of our creed, dogma requires us not to leave their well-defined boundaries, outside of its borders is destruction, as expressly prohibited.

Isms for the land is still like a plate, outside will be trapped by the darkness and fall inexorably into the abyss.

On one occasion the disciples asked Jesus, you should do to achieve salvation, He wisely answered: "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

The great thinkers of mankind, have been the creators of isms, they, the isms, have mushroomed, much later, when his ideas were patented, when each sought to prevail over the others, when deprived us of intolerance freedom and therefore we limited the access to truth.

The divine spark is latent in every human being, no matter what corner of the planet is born, the idea, imagination, creative ability, they have a mold prior, would have us believe that we are subject to a god that everything is determined, is trying to deny that same God's ability to provide their children unrestricted freedom, free will, the essential condition of our existence.

Hugo W. Arostegui

The Concept

This profitability, after deducting operating costs, they will constitute the gain, the fruit of your effort and sacrifice, which constitute a genuine wealth source, but should not be forgotten or omitted, which is necessary for the collective good, a part of that generation of wealth, by way of the established taxation returns to the bosom of that society, of which we are partfor feedback, that community space, which we call the market with core resources that everyone without exception nor excluded we need. For the above purpose, we let ourselves to suggest that before starting any activity as that we have described, incursionemos in consideration of the following topics: for example: 1 – how much you know of likely consumers which aims to provide them with a purchase option. 2 – What are your preferences? Understand what their likely consumers on the concept of value of a product? 3 – Do value the? the same quality, or only interested in your price? 4 You are directed to a stable consumer which will return to sell you or simply what interests him in an occasional sale that does not generate a back link? 5 – What are the goods or services that you have in mind to offer. 6 – Who will be your providers: 7 – how much you know about the concept of responsibility Social 8 – how consubstantiated is found on the pillars of the economy: market, the supply, the demand, goods of consumption, the profitability, the value added, the taxation and taxpayer. 9. The concept of Retro power cycle: production product price offer demand to be able to purchase wage. A society like ours, developing needs the contribution of all, especially of those who seek to enter into character of entrepreneurs in the process of generating wealth. Evasive behavior regarding the role we want to play, It will only bring as a consequence, the indefinite postponement of the desired development, which, to be sustainable, cannot tolerate the selfish behavior of the a, or marginalization of those who must pay the consequences. Hugo W Arostegui original author and source of the article.

La Creatividad Humana

Human Creativity

Human Creativity: In our lives occur under varied situations, the mere fact of being alive, leads us to occupy spaces, to imbue the territory in which we move in a certain aura, something that is ours in the sense of identity, differentiates us from others, and this difference, that being unique, she makes her own mark, his "I am? and its actions in the context of coexistence is not always perceived by others in the same way. In the actions inherent in the simple fact of living, but devote most precious of our effort to achieve goals that benefit all who make up close to you, what we do, will, inevitably, by "measuring stick ? each of its members. Recipients of the outcome of our actions, evaluate and give their opinion, according to their own value scales, weigh the cost benefits that allegedly would have received and the degree of commitment or reciprocity that those actions entail. We believe that our behavior toward others was the best that could wait, and that we are worthy of recognition, of all those, we suppose, have been benefited by our conduct, we believe that positive developments we have made, served as credit in our favor, a kind of investment in the future which will result in a large sum of gratitude accumulated over time.

Which, over time, we will be recognized and where appropriate, rewarded by reciprocity. This sentiment, which has grown itself paid for the hope of the sower who deposits the seed in the ground, relying on their fertility and a climate that enables the germination and growth of what will surely be, in due time, an abundant harvest. Now, begin to unravel, step by step, the weaving of the fabric with which we have made the cloak with which we have covered our actions along the path we have traveled in this life journey may have been linear, it ie, a single life, a birth, childhood, a young, study, work, family, etc.. Or it may have been a succession of different forms of life, childhood through ... and after school ... such or such school, my mother, my stepmother, my wife, or my ex-wives, my children, children of, and so on. While each of us is a universe in itself, the truth is that we interrelate with each other, that our human condition is essentially a social phenomenon, human beings are linked to coexistence, to such an extent that is unimaginable survival of the species without relating it to the interrelatedness of all and sundry.

And every one of us settle and integrate a variety of constellations, be they families, professionals, unions, political, sports, etc.. The term globalization, but is used to refer to the degree of development of technology, communications, international trade, etc.. situation that creates such degrees of interdependence that makes us feel as their own events that occur at the other end of the world, also applies to the phenomenon of the interrelationships of human society as a whole. Our actions flow through the outer space where human life is developed, which meteors moving at high speed, colliding and merging each other, are the vital energy which develops the intellect and into the future, the evolution of our species, the genius who investigates and discovers that the artist finds new inspiration for his creative imagination, the poet, writer, readers, viewers, Internet calls, every one, are expressed in response to signals perceived in that rapid displacement of human actions which we call life.

 Hugo W. Arostegui

Administración de Hospitales

Hospital Administrator

Excess consumption is considered a plague and a cause permanent attention of government authorities and social actors and preachers of all religiones.a A developed society is oriented consumption to the point of conceiving another livelihood, the consumer society preaches the concept of man standing, self-confident, able to produce goods and services that will result in higher revenues, revenues that will turn again to the market through offers consumer goods, life insurance, investment, leisure, etc. etc. If these companies exist that economists and media swarm our underdeveloped, touting the contraction in consumption, to generate resources for the payment of external debt and meet the needs of the state, would be treated not only ignorant, but they would say,

Gentlemen The man must stand, confident in itself, capable of producing goods and services, to obtain a decent income and rewarding which will dump back in the market, that is the source of investment, invention, there are niche which has to satisfy market will pace the creativity of entrepreneurs and media, the man with the ability to consume is the life of the whole system. The personae without work and a living wage is a wretch, a slave, a madman Force vest with the most sinister force jackets, waistcoat economic embargo imposed by the popes of the system, who are led by those who live outside the cave, the creators of the economic Bible for use in the countries to be maintained at all costs subject and dependent. If you would like to know more about Sela Ward, then click here. No wonder they fall away when we talk about these things, we are not allowed out of the script, saying that economic and fiscal policy, are tools that should be subordinated to social policy for them is heresy, but again reaffirm, economics is a social science, its principles are closely related to other social sciences, its raison d'etre is the society in which it is inserted, the success of its implementation is measured in quality of life for residents of the society, when their results are viewed with approval by other Lares, we will know for sure who they represent and serve.

As can be seen there is a marked difference between economic and social policies applied in the developed world and the measures that are implemented in our environment, differences associated underdevelopment subordination and dependency. Meditate on these issues will help us understand the very high social costs that support the countries facing the economic jackets recipes, recipes that are designed to implement in the developing world but which are unacceptable and unworkable in the developed world, why is that? . a Hugo W. Arostegui a Analyst, Business Management, Consultant in Economics, Religious Leader, Theologian, Hospital Administrator.