lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016


En esta época  del año se suelen realizar retrospectivas, una especie de balance anual en el cual cotejamos “nuestro estado de situación” con relación a todo lo que nos habíamos propuesto realizar a lo largo de este año que inexorablemente, finaliza, en unos pocos días más.

Cuando nos ubicamos en esta especie de coordenada donde confluyen cual si fuesen meteoritos, retazos de vida, episodios que han sido, que pudieron haber sucedido, que quizás nos hubiesen reconciliado con quién decimos amar mientras le dejamos desvanecer, -como quién contempla un espejismo- en medio de la bruma de nuestras postergaciones, una más entre tantas otras, como pequeñas grandes perlas de un collar que sólo el tiempo, el que se nos ha escurrido como arena entre los dedos, sería el único capaz de colgarlo en el cuello de nuestro ego, sí aquel mismo “yo”  que todo lo succiona en su mezquina voracidad. 

También se dice que este es un tiempo de redención, que “la gracia divina” nos redime de todos nuestros fracasos, que podemos recorrer raudamente el engañoso camino de la justificación, todo lo malo que sintamos que hemos hecho pierde trascendencia ante lo inconmensurable del “perdón universal” un perdón que nos redime de nuestras miserias y nos exime del deber de la necesaria retribución “gracia por gracia” de cuánto hayamos recibido.

Todavía hay quienes creen que el árbol de navidad y sus adornos nos representa y enaltece que basta con lucir sus intermitentes luminarias y colmarlo de buenos deseos para sentirnos en paz y plenos de buena voluntad, compramos y recibimos innúmeros regalos y regamos nuestra ofrenda con abundante licor en una mesa rebosante de deliciosos manjares, entonces elevamos nuestras copas y brindamos ¡feliz navidad!.

La vida que nos representa se manifiesta “de la piel para adentro”  y el camino de la verdadera redención pasa indefectiblemente por la casa de nuestro prójimo no de un prójimo cualquiera, impersonal, desconocido, nos referimos a aquel que no le encontraremos en el camino de “las buenas intenciones” nos referimos a aquel que ha nacido en el mismo vientre en el cual ha germinado tu  humana concepción y por la cual se derramó su sangre para rescatarle de las tinieblas a la luz. Ese es tu prójimo.

En un muro en las redes sociales, encontré escrito este mensaje: 

                                                                                              Virginia Pereira

El anhelo de esta amiga es que podamos alcanzar la convivencia en paz a través de la aplicación en nuestras vidas, sin hipocresía y sin tapujos, de los valores que nos identifican como verdaderos exponentes de un linaje esencialmente humano y al referirnos al término “humano” implícitamente incluimos: “seres únicos, indivisibles, inteligentes, creados para vivir en sociedad y en armonía con su entorno, tal cual lo expresara el coro de ángeles que nos anunciara la natividad “Gloria a Dios en las Alturas y en la tierra paz y buena voluntad entre los hombres”

Hugo W Arostegui

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016


Noble y antiguo linaje de Vizcaya, extendido por Guipúzcoa, Navarra y otras provincias.
Aróstegui se escribe en vascuence "Arotz-tegui" y significa "sitio de carpinteros".

Sus armas primitivas, como luego se verá, hacen alusión a ese significado.

Antiguos cronistas dicen que el apellido Aróstegui viene del linaje "Asoaga",
sin que se den noticias acerca de sus primeros varones.

Lope de Haro y otros tratadistas añaden que la casa solar de Aróstegui, de mucha
antigüedad, estaba sita en Bermeo ( partido judicial de Guernica),"sobre los dos puertos
de aquella villa".

Era casa infanzona, de pariente mayor,Cabo de Armería y cabeza de bando y
parcialidad del apellido Aróstegui.

Tenía su entierro en la iglesia de Santa Eufemia,en la citada villa de Bermeo " y
permisión para hacer pasadizo desde la torre y solar de Aróstegui a la dicha iglesia,
cosa de mucha estimación en aquella tierra".

También afirman autorizados tratadistas que los Señores del solar y torre de Aróstegui
sirvieron continamente a los reyes de Castilla y de León en sus guerras de reconquista, y
que se distinguieron en la batalla de las Navas de Tolosa, acompañando a don Diego
López de Haro, Señor de Vizcaya, que llevó con su gente, la vanguardia del eEército

Descendientes de la casa de Bermeo pasaron a otros puntos de Vizcaya, creando nuevos
solares en la merindad de Busturia, del mismo partido judicial de Guernica, en la villa
de Marquina y en la anteiglesia de San Andrés de Echevarría, del partido judicial de

En el año de 1446, Pedro Ruiz de Aróstegui se halló con Martín Ruiz de Arteaga y Pedro
de Avendaño con quienes convino formar una alianza que agrupara a sus familias.

Domingo de Aróstegui, segundo del nombre, de su esposa, doña María de Azcoitia, tuvo
los siguientes hijos: Pedro de Aróstegui - Domingo de Aróstegui - Juan de Aróstegui - y
Mateo de Aróstegui.

Estos cuatro hermanos, que fueron vecinos de Marquina y de Bilbao, presentaron en la
Real Chancillería de Valladolid una certificación de armas de su apellido, dada por el
Rey de armas Diego de Urbina en 9 de Noviembre de 1619,

Ante el Corregidor y Diputados de Vizcaya hicieron información de Hidalguía y
limpieza de sangre, en los años que se indican, estos otros Aróstegui:

Juan Aróstegui (1660) - Ignacio Aróstegui ( 1753) - Antonio Aróstegui Hormaeche( 1777)
Antonio Aróstegui ( 1829).

Sus pruebas se conservan en el Archivo General de la Casa de Juntas de Guernica.

En la Chancillería de Valladolid probaron su hidalguía, en 1772, Antonio y Santiago de
Aróstegui, vecinos de la anteiglesia de San Esteban.

Los Aróstegui de Vizcaya pasaron, desde muy antiguo, por casamientos, a las provincias
de Guipúzcoa, Alava y Navarra.

En Guipúzcoa fundó una rama casa muy principal en la villa de Vergara, y algunas de sus
líneas radicaron en Guetaria, Elgoibar, Gaviria y otras villas de la misma provincia.

En Alava tuvo asiento una línea de Aróstegui en el lugar de Ozaeta, del partido judicial
de Vitoria.

En Navarra hubo casas de este linaje en las villas de Vera de Bidasoa y de Aranaz, del
partido judicial de Pamplona.

De la rama de Aróstegui, de tuvo casa en la merindad de San Juan dePie de Puerto, fue
I. Martín de Aróstegui, que casó con doña Margarita Condaiza, según algunos autores, y
con doña María de Lizárraga, según otros. Tuvo por hijo a II. Pedro de Aróstegui, que se
avecindó en Zaragoza y obtuvo sentencia confirmatoria de su nobleza, dada por la Real
Audiencia de aquella capital el 16 de marzo de 1591.

En el Timbre del escudo originario de Aróstegui, figura este lema:

Corona merece fuerte

el que la fama derrama,

para hacer fuerza a la fama

sin que le impida la muerte.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

Social Security

Economy: Version Juan people each time that we have had the opportunity to address issues related to economic activity, our main concern has been the put in evidence the human face that motivates, it makes it possible, that affects and above all, that suffers, the impact that the evolution of the economy, in its metamorphosis of thing macro to the micro, decant and affects the purchasing power of those that live and interact in the flat of the pyramid base social. This time, narrate a story whose protagonists have been extracted from everyday life, characters of flesh and bone, as you and I, friend reader, with the caveat that we have preferred to preserve their identity, using the famous sentence of fiction films: the characters in this story are fictional, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. Once said, that the law and justice, not always go orbits similar, for the simple reason that more that justice determine that everybody is equal before the law, the reality shows us that we are not all equal and that equal treatment, only achieved, increase even more, the huge gap that separates those who are able to meet their basic needs, those who barely subsist, drowned by the environment and marginalization. ce. It is under this optics which we intend to place the characters in our history, with the aggregate which is the same except that we have made in relation to the law and justice, let us make the concepts that each of us has about ethics and morality, would be very naive if we think that ethics and morals are synonymous. The philosophical thought considered ethics as a set of values, hence arises when we say that a person is ethical, it is because it is guided by principles and convictions. We say then that it has character and good nature. Click Wells Fargo to learn more. In terms of morality, this is part of the concrete life of each one. Is the actual practice of persons that are expressed by customs, habits and values accepted. A person is moral when work in accordance with the Customs and values that can eventually be questioned by ethics. A person can be moral (follows customs) but not necessarily ethical (principles reflects). After having made these considerations, we can begin the development of these life stories, lives that act under the influence of their surroundings, mimicking values and customs, adopting attitudes which, as we will appreciate, are not always coincident with what society as a whole, understood and valued as: ethically correct behaviour. Let’s see: When the State, since its economic Dome, dictates the regulations governing business activities, imposed as a determinant inescapable, the registry of the entrepreneur in the control agencies, where is issued you upon affidavit showing the corresponding qualification,: identification of holders, start date, branch of activity, location of the local sales tax to which it is bound pay taxes and social charges by concept of Social Security, of owners and staff, if any. This mentioned, is so that we know which are the requirements laid down in the Act and are to be met, of course, by all those who seek to venture into the business world, determine rights and obligations within a regulation that aims to ensure a fair control in your application both for the employer, who is who performs the activity, the Statewhich provides the share part of income that corresponds to the society by such empowerment. Needless to say, anyone who becomes a businessman, by themselves and for themselves, bypassing these regulations, shall act outside of the law, is a marginal that develops a clandestine activity within the framework of the informal economy, is worth mentioning that in our midst, the informal market, comes to figures exceeding 40% (forty percent) a number really worrying for any moderately organized economy. The characters that are part of this story are drawn precisely from this sub world that develops in a way parallel to the formal world of regulations and which applies to what you’ve described concerning: the right and justice, the ethics and morality. We will make this story a short story, a simple review of events explicit enough to help us understand a little better, the how and the why, occur the things that happen, actions that are developed in our environment and being however, however obvious, beyond the critical registry of who we share them. A blatant statement that the ethics of these principles, is diluted in the real actions of coexistence, moral is essentially, usual, way of making and understanding the right thing as a practical response to the possible reality. We’ll start with Silvia, a middle-aged woman, who one day decided to do what many of their acquaintances, including his own sister, had done, become independent by mounting their own business, so he sought a room according to their locative needs, he provided merchandise traveling to Buenos Aires with his colleagues, following a safe route, with border passages insured at a reasonable price, and as an alternative to supply every two weeks traveling to Uruguaiana, border between Brazil and Argentina or Ciudad del Este in Paraguay. In this way it became entrepreneur in fact, formal procedures of registration would be for later, when circumstances allow it, when its operating costs were one sufficient margin to be able to absorb them. When things improved, he sought someone to assist it and so, in one fell swoop, he felt it was a patron as well as entrepreneur, had someone under his authority, someone who treat as she had treated her in the past, had time to send wage dependency to another person, who obliged to obey, to clean the premises if you had to cleanto do errands, any that were, and forcing them to be to your order all the time that necessary to understand how many hours? All possible, and if the employee you didn’t, that it was just like, wasn’t going to miss another candidate who needed work, so he had been with her and thus acted, found in its nothing abnormal or objectionable, proceed again, moral is the result of habit. In this way, Silvia was linked to Mabel, her employee for all service, both said they were friendly, however, when one referred to the other, in the social circles that frequented, the used epithets, let glimpse content discontent barely speak ill of an employee and complaining about what he does, is is considered natural between patternsas likewise, say that a pattern is a thoughtless and operator, is a logical reaction of those who develop tasks in dependency ratio. Now, think about encompasses Silvia, the Association that brings together merchants, or speak, thats also part of marginality, as Mabel, she you are claiming their rights, but it is not capable of resorting to the Union that defends it and represent both ones as others wield their reasons, they complain and they claim the system, feel part of society, they are part of the informal economy, their incomes are integrated to the great flow that moves the markets, are like small containment dykes causing constant bleeding of resources provided by fiscal policy of Governments, the shortcuts that have taken provides them in mediate, but unless they have premeditated it, without having the intention to provoke him, are part of the great mortgage that affects them the future. It is that stories of life as the one described in this article, are aspects of same social fabric, a demonstration that informality and underdevelopment, are twin sisters, daughters of the improvisation of the ruler, which dictates the rules with one hand, and deletes them with the elbow of the indifference to the social reality that surrounds them. Hugo W. Arostegui original Autor and source of the article.

This Sunday Morning


This Sunday Morning

This Sunday morning I woke up looking at my environment, from things that make my lair human, which is imbued with personal experiences and strange, to the barely perceptible presences innumerable signals from the outside world we leave their mark as a reminder we are not alone in the wake of every day.

Suddenly, a story breaks putting a break on our morning abstraction, all the news we focus attention in Norway, a terrible attack "terrorists" had killed dozens of people, this information comes to us accompanied by striking images, followed by comments, linking this fact, Islamic terrorism, for alleged retaliation of these, by the permanence of Norwegian troops in the occupation of Afghanistan.

So we were all believing this announcement, as one of the many daily attributed the "fanaticism of Islamic extremists," as we see, the media before presenting "their news" in society, spend room for "make-up computer" so that their appearance meets the requirements for the "guidelines" that define, with absolute precision, all you can say, and how it should be said.

With the passing of the hours, start to unfold various aspects that substantially change the original story, and it was not an attack, caused by a cell belonging to the so-called "axis of evil" of international terrorism, now, which is shown to world, is the image of a blond young man of Norwegian origin, a kind of Silas, (like that of the Da Vinci Code), a hitman, who warned by this terrible attack, the terrible dangers posed to the "Western and Christian" , evil ideologies such as communism, Muslims, immigrants, blacks, gypsies, Latino, etc. etc. ..

These signals from the outside world that have erupted, suddenly, as if they were a gale force that opened with the windows of my mind, scattered everywhere, a succession of past events, no doubt, had a close relationship with this abominable fact that the news from around the world announced, as if they were part of a macabre puzzle that, once armed, would reveal the subtly developing a plan developed.

Now, in reality, there are times when I question if it will be worth continuing with the development of this article, as I happened to many others I've written before, you know the reason? The point is that in order to unite different parts of this puzzle that I mention it is absolutely necessary to understand and navigate the subliminal messages that have been introduced into our collective consciousness through countless appointments, which are introduced as markers, to mark the limits between "permitted" and "forbidden."

As this credit takes time and care that your reader has a built form is limited, I am afraid we can not continue, you, you, you, you, you ... pulled ... you there? You, you, your , you, you .... pulled ... pulled .... has been cut.

Hugo W. Arostegui 

El Síndrome Del Ombligo

El Síndrome Del Ombligo

Autor: Hugo W Arostegui

Sin que influya en absoluto, el grado de desarrollo intelectual, en el cual una persona se desenvuelva, ni tampoco, sus cualidades humanas, germinadas como consecuencia del cultivo que haya realizado, a través del tiempo, de ciertos valores que hacen "al Ser Cultivado" en el sentido estricto de la definición de cultura.

Todo parece indicar, que para algunos de nosotros, el simple hecho de la convivencia diaria con quienes conforman nuestro entorno, ya sea esta relación de persona a persona, en un trato directo, o, como nos sucede a muchos, que nos conectamos por medio de las redes sociales, conformando un entramado virtual donde convergen y se interrelacionan todos los estereotipos de comportamientos, situación que pareciera les retrotrae a etapas de nuestra vida aún no superadas, como si el cordón umbilical que nos mantuvo vivos en el vientre materno, continuase en nosotros, conformando un reducto inexpugnable donde buscamos el refugio que nos aísle e inmunice a la vez, de un mundo exterior plagado de incógnitas no develadas.

Se dice y con acierto, que muchas personas padecen de este síndrome, consideran que son el centro del universo, que todo gira a su alrededor, que son, o deberían ser, el motivo y la medida de todo comportamiento, se sienten como la esponja que absorbe y depura a la vez, la vara que mide y adjudica intensiones, su ego no sabe de renunciamientos ni tampoco admite que las cosas sucedan simplemente porque otros actores las han hecho acontecer.

Estos días pasados he visto en las redes sociales innúmeras muestras de este comportamiento, en frases tales como: "que pasa contigo que no me has llamado" "porqué me exiges tanto tu atención" "no sabes que estoy muy ocupado en mis asuntos" "eres un egoísta que solo piensas en ti" etc. etc.

Aún en temas relacionados con el amor o las relaciones de pareja asistimos a expresiones que delatan que nos hemos construido diversas formas de clasificar lo que entendemos por amor.

Y lo mismo ocurre con el concepto de la amistad, nos catalogamos como amigos de tal y cual con el simple acto de apretar una tecla de nuestro ordenador y luego de tal protocolarización nos integramos a los diversos grupos que se van conformando en las innúmeras redes sociales, las que han ido surgiendo, tal cual surgen los hongos latinos o las setas españolas ,en los claros de nuestros bosques luego de varios días de lluvias otoñales.
Efectos de la globalización que hoy nos aglutina y confunde identidades.
Quizás haya sido esta misma lluvia, la que vino precedida de un fuerte ventarrón, la que ha sacudido, con tanto ímpetu, las ramas que sostienen la frondosa arboleda de mi vida, quien haya esparcido, unas sobre otras, el bagaje de vivencias que hoy describo, vivencias que recojo entre mis manos, mientras intento, en vano, sustraerme a la añoranza , la que me invade el alma , cuando percibo tu ausencia.
Hugo W Arostegui